The Wee Gallery on Candleriggs The Wee Gallery on Candleriggs

The Wee Gallery on Candleriggs

16 Candleriggs, Alloa, FK10 1EA, United Kingdom | 07762433682

Venue Description

We are a small (3mx2.5m) independent gallery exhibiting for sale original art work and artefacts created by visual and textile artists living in Clackmannanshire. (Prices of wall art from £15 to £1000). Items in the gallery on any day are determined by what the artists and makers have which varies from cards, to bags, and in the winter scarves and woolly hats. Visits from those who simply want to view and enjoy the current exhibition are always welcome. The gallery is on a wide pedestrian route that leads to Alloa town centre. We are round the corner from the lovely Ladybird Tearoom and next door to Annas Larder. The gallery is part of an artist's studio so is only open a couple of days a week (Thursday and Saturday) and occasionally at other times. PRIVATE VIEWINGS - because of the limited opening times the owner of the gallery is happy to provide pre-arranged private viewings.


The floor space - approx 6sq metres, it is on the level and the floor is kept clear for ease of movement and the door is wide enough for a person on a small electric wheelchair (width up to 70cm). There is no step at the entrance. When the shop is open the door too is open. The pedestrian access adjoins two, on the level, car parks which currently do not levy any charges.

Awards List

I am a member of Alloa First and Discover Clackmannanshire


Information about the toilets has not been added for this venue.


The gallery is staffed by artists and friends all of whom have been employed in community work capacities at one time or another.

Assistance dog facilities

Assistance dog exercise facilities

There are two parks. One near Alloa Tower approx half a mile from gallery. And one "Greenfield Park" about 1/4 mile from the station approx 2/3 mile from gallery.

Other assistance dog facilities

Would be happy to provide an enamel dish of water if the need was there.

The venue says it has...

  • Disabled Access

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