Tate Modern Tate Modern

Tate Modern

Holland Street, London, SE1 9TG, United Kingdom | 020 7887 8888 | Website


Brilliant accessible venue in a great location with lots to see



Visit date:

This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Wheelchair


The Tate Modern has been expanded and also made very accessible. It is in a great location overlooking the river and is close to Waterloo. There is plenty to see as well as a new accessible viewing platform on Level 10. There a lots of disabled toilets as well as bars, cafes and a restaurant. It also now has 12 pre bookable blue badge parking bays.

Transport & Parking


There are 12 spacious pre bookable blue badge parking bays. These can be booked via the telephone and the website clearly explains how to get to the vehicle entrance. There spaces are located adjacent to one of the level access entry doors



Level access with automated doors. Plenty of lifts although these are well used and small. The site has two towers with access between the buildings at several levels so it is important to work out exactly where you want to go to ensure you swop between building from the correct floor.



Plenty of disabled toilets through the building. All spacious with light weight doors and wave activated flush systems,



All the staff were helpful on site and gave directions when required and the member of staff who booked the parking was very friendly.

Anything else you wish to tell us?

I will definitely visit again. All the exhibitions provide a carer ticket for free and the parking made the day out for me really special.

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