Glasgow Club Easterhouse Pool
1000 Westerhouse Road, Glasgow, G34 9JW, United Kingdom | 0141 2769696 | WebsiteGetting Here
Bus Stops are frequent in a close proximate of the venue.
This venue does have its own car park. The car park is at the front of the venue. The car park type is open air/surface. Parking spaces for Blue Badge holders do not need to be booked in advance. There are 6 designated parking bay(s) within the car park. The dimensions of the designated parking bay(s) are 3.3m x 4.6m (10ft 9in x 15ft 1in). The nearest designated bay is 40m (44yd) from the main entrance. The route from the car park to the entrance is accessible to a wheelchair user with assistance. Assistance may be required because there is/are slopes/ramps. The car park surface is tarmac.
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