Disabled Access Day at Clifton Suspension Bridge
10.30 - 11.15am - BSL (Signed) Tour of the Suspension Bridge
Meet tour guide Laura Hilton and interpreter Connor Lalitte at the Clifton Tower on the Bristol side of the bridge (look out for the orange high-vis jackets) for the first ever sign language tour of the Suspension Bridge. You'll learn how and why the bridge was built and hear some stories relating to its history as we walk from one side to the other.
12.30 - 2.30pm - Object Handling and Audio Description
Join us inside the Visitor Centre where we'll guide you around the exhibition and describe some of the amazing images included in our display! You'll find out why the bridge was so attractive to early photographers and learn about the romantic visions artists had of the bridge before it was complete.
3.00 - 3.30pm - Brunel's Bridge: Seated Talk
If you'd rather not cross the bridge, dress for the weather and try our seated talk! We'll be taking over the picnic area near the Leigh Woods Tower (look for guides in orange high-vis jackets) where we'll have picnic tables, individual seats and space for your mobility aids.