City Screen York Picturehouse City Screen York Picturehouse

City Screen York Picturehouse

13-17 Coney Street, York, YO1 9QL, United Kingdom | 0871 902 5726 | Website

Venue Description

Built on the riverside site of the Yorkshire Herald buildings, the City Screen Picturehouse has three auditoria each with their own character - one is clad in stone, one in zinc and one in timber. There are screenings of opera, ballet and theatre recordings, as well as the usual Picturehouse mix of classic films and new releases and a film club for students. The underground Basement Bar hosts live music and comedy shows on selected evenings.


All public areas of the building are accessible to customers with limited mobility. There is a wheelchair-accessible lift to the right as you enter the main foyer, which serves all floors and the basement areas. The Box Office and bar all have adapted counters and accessible levels for transactions.

Accessibility Guide

Accessibility Guide Link:

Accessible Performances

Audio Description and Enhanced Soundtrack All our auditoria are equipped with a system that delivers Audio Description (AD) or an enhanced soundtrack through a headset or a portable hearing loop. The AD runs every time a film with Audio Description is shown, and is undetectable to anyone not wearing a headset. We show films with AD whenever the necessary files are made available by film distributors. Like a narrator telling a story, AD gives an additional commentary describing body language, expressions and movements. It gives information about things which are not made clear through the soundtrack. AD screenings are indicated in the weekly listings. Enhanced soundtrack is always available. To reserve a headset or a portable hearing loop, please email us, call us on 0871 902 5726 or ask at the Box Office. Subtitled Access Screenings We have HOH Subtitled shows twice a week (when available); usually on a Friday afternoon and a Tuesday evening, please check our website for further details. Films available with subtitles are indicated in our weekly printed cinema times, on our website and in our weekly email newsletter (click here to sign up). Our programme also contains many foreign-language films with English subtitles. These may also be suitable for d/Deaf or hearing-impaired customers Audio Describe is available on films that are provided with the correct digital files by the film distributor; however the costs of producing the recorded audio description and transcribing the audio for subtitles remains high, which means only about 15-20% of new releases include Audio Describe. The majority of films that are released with Audio Describe are from larger Studio distributors, and generally on more high profile film titles. Please visit our website to find out which films are currently showing with Audio Describe. Autism Friendly Screenings take place on the second Sunday of every month at 11.15am. They are for every body with Autism Spectrum Conditions and their family & friends; they are also suitable for any one who would enjoy seeing a film on a ‘low sensory environment’. During the film low lights are left on inside the auditorium, the volume of the soundtrack is reduced, and there is a short intermission mid-way though the film. It is fine for members of the audience to move around, make noise or take a break during the film if they want to. All tickets cost £3. Dementia Friendly Screenings: Dementia Friendly screenings take place at City Screen on a Monday afternoon at 1.15 every six weeks. Shows enable people living with dementia and their carers to attend the cinema in a safe and comfortable environment, giving them the chance to get out and socialise. Screenings are open to everyone, but are enhanced to suit the needs of people living with dementia: ​During the film low lights are left on inside the auditorium, the volume of the soundtrack is reduced and it’s fine for members of the audience to express themselves. Our staff have become Dementia Friends to help provide support before, during and after the screenings, as well as making our venue generally more Dementia Friendly. Tickets are reduced to £4.00 per person and accompanying carers go free, with complimentary tea​, filter coffee ​and biscuits available upstairs in the Sky Lounge before the show.


The main customer toilets, which include a separate fully accessible toilet, are in the basement. There are also additional accessible toilets on the lower-ground floor and the second floor; these toilets have National Key Scheme (Radar) locks, and a key is available at the Box Office or from the usher. There are emergency call-points in all our disabled toilets should you need to summon assistance. Baby-changing facilities are also available on the lower-ground and second floors.


Staff undergo in-house accessibility awareness training.

Assistance dog facilities

Other assistance dog facilities

We welcome guide dogs at City Screen and can accommodate them in the auditoria and bars. Please book in advance so that we can allocate the most appropriate seating. We are able to provide drinking water for your dog, and we will be happy to look after your dog during the screening.

The venue says it has...

  • Audio Described
  • Carer Discount
  • Disabled Access
  • IR Induction Loop
  • Induction Loop
  • Large Print
  • Online Booking

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