Assembly Festival at Assembly George Square Studios Assembly Festival at Assembly George Square Studios

Assembly Festival at Assembly George Square Studios

50 George Square, Edinburgh, EH8 9JU, United Kingdom | 0131 623 3000 | Website

Scottee: Fat Blokes - Relaxed Performance

Scottee: Fat Blokes - Relaxed Performance article image
Sensory Friendly

Age Category: 16 and above (16+)Nudity, Strong Language/Swearing

Dance Physical Theatre and Circus

Fat Blokes is a sort of dance show about flab, double chins and getting your kit off in public – made by artist and forward-facing fatso, Scottee. Fat Blokes uncovers why fat men are never sexy but are always funny, always the before, but never the after shot. Made in collaboration with Lea Anderson and four fat blokes who've never done this sort of thing before. Prepare yourself for a show about pent-up aggression, riot grrrl and the hokey cokey. This is fat rebellion.
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