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Alnwick Castle

Greenwell Lane, Alnwick, NE66 1NQ, United Kingdom | 01665511100 | Website


Photographer - Chapter 2

Shaken not stirred


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This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Wheelchair


Parking was good and in a disabled space and the wheel (I was pushed) fine but then came the cobbles, everywhere except on the grass, by the time the day was done my brain was scrambled and my stomach was well mixed. What did you expect from a medieval castle I hear you cry, well nowhere had I read that in the reviews. Firstly we watched a demonstration of medieval swordsmanship which was surprisingly good as I heard nothing. It was also outside and cold. To warm up a bit the castle was next. To get inside I was lifted (in the chair) over a couple of steps, by 3 or 4 people and viewed the ground floor easily. Getting to the first floor was the fun bit, there was a lift as used by the Queen but it after 2 large steps and no way could my chair be lifted here. Nothing else for it but to get out and make it to the lift as best I could. The lift was a tight squeeze for me and my brother (the Duke of Edinburgh must of used the stairs) and there was another chair waiting for me there. This floor was then viewed without further incident and we went down in the same manner. As some of Harry Potter was filmed here there was a 'witch' giving 'broomstick flying After the castle a round of crazy golf was called for, no not me I went for coffee and a scone in the cafe. There was a treehouse cafe too, which had a suitable walkway for wheelchairs so I had to try it out. Had a good walk around the water gardens, which were thankfully cobble free, the wheelchair went everywhere, but it wasn't quick enough to avoid the splashes. It was a great, full day(less the cobbles).

Transport & Parking


No problems getting there, disabled spaces close to the entrance and the surface for wheeling ok, though up a gentle slope.



I had no questions about this as I had no major issues. I used my own manual chair. I would point out that it it a castle and the many cobbles make for an uncomfortable ride. It is also worth noting that to view the upstairs I had to transfer to their chair. A wheelchair will not fit in the lift.



No problem, my wheelchair fitted in perfectly and there were suitable grab rails.



All I came into contact with were polite and courteous

Anything else you wish to tell us?

Sorry to keep mentioning cobbles, but they did make me feel bad. I hadn't picked this up in review I'd read and don't wish people to miss them here.


Alnwick Alnwick Cobbles Alnwick parking To the treehouse Believe it or not there is a wall of water before him The Cascade

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That lift is the smallest lift I have ever seen! And yes, the cobbles were quite cobbly! I felt like my head might fall off!

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