Wingham Wildlife Park Wingham Wildlife Park

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Wingham Wildlife Park

Rusham Road, Wingham, CT3 1JL, United Kingdom | 01227 720836 | Website


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Varied terrain, work in progress park


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This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Powerchair


The park is being refurbished which is taking many years from a neglected state. Good range of species but natural woodland/rocks and compacted soil paths. Poor toilets. Very bumpy but easy to bump over on a powerchair. Basic foods on our visit. Worth visiting to support upgrade work.

Transport & Parking


Parking is on a compacted field/soil surface. 6 spaces for blue badge holders on the left of the entrance on the same ground. Drop off recommended. Smooth path to the new ticket centre entrance.



Undulation paving, forest type paths or compacted soil. Ramps have lips to get onto them in some areas. Swing doors or heavy doors to the indoor areas and lemur walk though (only open a few hours a day). Penguins have a walkway which does not allow a chair and pram to easily pass. Some enclosures difficult to see. Reptiles are 2-3 'shelves' high. Easy to see big cats, free flying birds, wolves, meerkats, penguins, some reptiles and red pandas from low height.



Two toilets with wheelchair access. Two toilets with step free cubicles for men, 1 toilet cubicle block step free for women, 1 toilet block with one step for women. No light on the women's toilet and my husband paddled through liquid in the men's' by the tortoises. I used the wheelchair accessible toilet here. Very large, gritty floor due to the outside terrain. Not a full compliment of support rails. You have to be a gibbon to reach the toilet paper. Lift up tap to get water flow.



No real interaction.

Anything else you wish to tell us?

They have two cafes. New one at the front and one in the noisy soft play indoor area. Only one is open out of peak season - the soft play one. Usual burger, hotdog type menu. Tables were a good height to get under but I used my chair tray. Very noisy with lots of excited children. Hens and peacocks are free range so not a park if you have a bird phobia of these. Warm up in the reptile or tropical house on a cold day.


Toilets Toilet 2

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