Vilamoura Marina Vilamoura Marina

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Vilamoura Marina

S/N Marina de Vilamoura, Quarteira, 8125-409, Portugal | +351 289 310 560


Toilet facility in Vilamoura Marina


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This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Wheelchair


It’s difficult to find access information in Portugal. Although getting into restaurants is often not a problem, few restaurants have wheelchair accessible toilets. We visited Vilamoura Marina which is flat and accessible. Opposite a restaurant called ‘Restaurante Spicy’ we found a good disabled toilet facility. It wasn’t signposted anywhere - we found it by chance down a short alley way. If you are visiting the marina walk around it and you will spot it slightly tucked away. The whole loop around the marina and back only takes about 10-15 minutes. Note that you need a 50 cent coin to enter the toilet. The marina has a lot of restaurants that have a ramp to enter.

Transport & Parking


We came by taxi but did notice several disabled parking spaces.





As per photos. Grab rail and accessible large sink. Hand dryer at wheelchair level.




Image of Vilamoura Marina image of outside of toilet facilities with large blue sign on a white building Image of door to toilets with payment machine that requires 50 euro cents image of doors too toilets, including the accessible toilet image of modern-looking disabled toilet with baby change table image of door to the accessible toilets Image of 'Restaurante Spicy' restaurant that disabled access toilet can be found next to.

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