Verzetsmuseum Amsterdam - Museum of WWII Resistance Verzetsmuseum Amsterdam - Museum of WWII Resistance

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Verzetsmuseum Amsterdam - Museum of WWII Resistance

Plantage Kerklaan 61, Amsterdam, 1018 CX, Netherlands | +31 (0)20-620 25 35 | Website


Sightseer - Chapter 5

Memories not to be forgotten


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This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Long Cane, Wheelchair


The Verzetsmuseum (Dutch Resistance Museum) was a very accessible place to visit but something of an emotional journey to hear the experiences of the Dutch people whilst under German occupation. The museum sets out to explain the difficult choices that the Dutch had to make during the dark days of the German occupation in the Second World War

Transport & Parking


I walked to the museum as it wasn't too far from our hotel. Using the cycle paths for added help I wheeled my chair across the city.



Disabled access in the museum was very good. I arrived and the person behind the reception desk walked around to talk to me rather than me peering over a chin high counter. They explained the layout, the audio guide and the location of the accessible toilet. I was impressed to see that the museum also had tactile guidance lines along the floor; excellent for my visually impaired companion. The exhibits were clearly labelled and the audio guide helped immensely too. Routes to follow were clear and it was possible to see everything. I was so engrossed in the stories being told I didn't take any photos. It was a very emotional experience at points as the reality of what happened during occupation was set out before you in the exhibits.



A spacious, clean and well appointed accessible toilet was just off the reception area before you head into the depths of the museum.



Staff were very helpful and it was good to be able to converse in English too.


The front of the resistance museum building taken from across the street

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