Turner Contemporary Turner Contemporary

Turner Contemporary

Rendezvous, Margate, CT9 1HG, United Kingdom | 01843 233000 | Website
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Turner Contemporary, Margate


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This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Mobility Scooter


This is a very accessible venue. The main entrance is up a large flight of steps so consequently the ramp is very long which may prove difficult for anybody who walks with difficulty. Once you are up there everything is totally accessible. Shop, cafe and usually an exhibition on the ground floor then an ENORMOUS lift takes you to the first floor and the main exhibition. The doors are heavy but staff are helpful . The cafe is quite small and requires skill and care to negotiate with a scooter but again the staff are very accommodating

Transport & Parking


There are disabled spaces just outside the gallery.



As mentioned in the main review the access is excellent . The only downsides I can see are the length of the ramp - not a problem for scooters/wheelchairs but could be a problem for people who can walk but with difficulty, and the heaviness of the doors which need a bit of height and a strong arm!





Excellent toilet with all usual facilities. Arrangement of 'furniture' makes manoeuvring a scooter in and out a little tricky.

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