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Torquay Railway Station

Rathmore Road, Torquay, TQ2 6NU, United Kingdom | 0345 700 0125 | Website



Very Unhappy Experience - Special Assistance requires improvement


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This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Walking Aid


On my outward journey to Torquay the special assistance worked and I was met off my train. However, on my return journey I had problems and I have submitted a complaint and waiting feedback from GWR.

Transport & Parking


This is a review for Torquay Station and step free buses stop close by on the sea front.



Torquay Station has 2 platforms. I entered on the ticket office side. To get to my platform I was informed that I had to walk over the pedestrianised railway bridge. It was only when I was on the other side of the bridge that I realised there was an entrance there and staff could have directed me via the car park, over the vehicle bridge and enter the opposite platform. When the train arrived there was a huge gap between the carriage entrance and the platform. It was further not helped as the grab rails were inside the carriage so I had to stretch to reach them.



They have one but I didn't use it so no comment.



I had Passenger Assistance booked on 15:02 train from Torquay to Paddington on 18/09/2021. I arrived at the ticket office at 14.25. 1 counter had notice position closed and 2 counter I am currently providing assistance on the station. Both notices said require tickets use machine, no advice re PA. I knocked on glass and called out that I had booked PA I am disabled and require help and asked if anyone there. No reply. Left case in ticket office, went to platform, called out had anyone seen staff, I was very distraught by this time. Man assisted and knocked on platform door. I returned to ticket office to case. Closed position now occupied. Staff 1 said he heard me but was at his lunch. I'm sure he could have heard the panic and my request for help. Would it really have been too much to pop his head around and say I'm on my lunch break I'll be with you in x minutes? Staff 2 arrived to assist, had been on opposite platform gardening. I was pre-booked. Staff 2 said there was only stairs and started to take my case across. It was only when I was on opposite platform that I realised that there is a street entrance from my platform. This would be a step free route although it would have involved walking through the car park, over the railway bridge to enter my required platform. Why could not this option have been suggested to me so I could have avoided the stairs. Staff 2 said another train due. I agreed to continue over bridge and that my case could be left at bottom of steps. By the time I had finished crossing I could see him talking to 2 members of staff who held batons. He then came over with my case. He was helpful and stayed with me till I boarded the train. He told me I was in B84 and that is where the platform narrows. He said if I couldn’t manage the gap he could get a wheelchair and take me to another carriage at the other end of the train. Train arrived and there was a huge gap, a high, narrow step to stand on and inside grab rails (not outside rails) which made me have to over reach. I took a photo before boarding. Who at PA HQ thought boarding at Carriage B at Torquay was suitable for a person with a mobility disability who walks with a crutch? Staff 2 now said he could get a ramp if required. I said I didn’t want to delay the train. Boarding was a struggle. Staff 2 said he would phone through to Paddington to let them know I was on the train and said it reflected badly on him when the destination station did not have staff to meet their PA customers. I tweeted about this when on board the train and posted photo of the gap.

Anything else you wish to tell us?

As a solo, disabled female traveller I already feel vulnerable. Arriving and thinking on one was there to help is frightening and distressing. I'm fed up of the shoddy service many of our disabled community experience with special assistance. Could the station have a notice when staff are not a ticket office which explains what SA customers need to do? The step up to the carriage is a huge gap and potentially unsafe for disabled customers I hope GWR will review which carriages disabled customers are booked on. Finally I feel some accessibility and disability awareness training is required for the staff at Torquay Station, so they can advise disabled passengers there is a step free route and publicise it better, so disabled people don’t have to subject themselves to steep stairs when there is a step free route. For Staff 1 I would suggest some empathy training as his attitude was very dismissive and upsetting. I hope GWR reads, responds and take action from this. Thank you.


Picture of stairs to bridge Picture of the gap between the platform and the train

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