The State Rooms - Buckingham Palace The State Rooms - Buckingham Palace
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The State Rooms - Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace Road, London, SW1A 1AA, United Kingdom | 0303 123 7324 | Website


A fabulous accessible building and exhibition with brilliant staff


Visit date:

This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Wheelchair, Powerchair


Buckingham Palace is accessible in either a manual or power wheelchair. They have managed to make the rooms open to the public as accessible as possible and the staff are thoughtful and knowledgeable, I have visited three times, twice by car and if you telephone in advance you can park inside the Palace grounds. I have also wheeled up from Victoria station or you can take a short taxi ride. The price for a disabled visitor is reduced to £13 and you can take a carer for free. At the end of your visit you can convert your ticket into an annual pass (open from around 22mnd July to 1st October).

Transport & Parking


Parked inside the Palace grounds - telephone in advance. Or you can wheel from Victoria or take a taxi



There are plenty of staff available to show you the accessible route. The audio guide is easy to use with useful short descriptions of each room and what is on display. The rooms open to the public are accessible as is the outside covered café. If you wish to go on a garden tour there is an accessible buggy to take you around the grounds (book separately). There is also a shop which is accessible and you just need to ask the staff to let you into the side entrance. See photo of café and ramps



There is a large accessible toilet which you can access on arrival. Large and the toilet flush is also easy to reach.



Plenty of staff around to guide you and to ask questions,

Anything else you wish to tell us?

Going to Buckingham Palace is a fun day out and if you do drive parking inside the Palace grounds if great bonus !


Large accessible toilet Ramp Access to terrace and cafe Outside accessible cafe

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