The Leas The Leas

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The Leas

The Leas, Folkestone, CT20 2DR, United Kingdom | 01227 812911 | Website


Sightseer - Chapter 2

The Lea's Folkestone



Visit date:

This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Hearing Aid, Walking Aid, Wheelchair


The Leas is split in to a number of levels and this review is only on the upper level across from the hotels etc. The upper level goes from the Band stand and Memorial Arch. The area is level through and is a good mixture of wide pathway and grass there are also a number of seats for people to rest or sit and enjoy the sun on a clear day the coast of France is visible . The upper area also includes the Leas hall which we did not visit during our review there is also a café with seating both outside and inside offering the type of food you might expect. During or visit there were a number of people enjoying the sea air walking along and a few people out jogging as well

Transport & Parking


There is some parking available on the street and from what we were told the local tour buses stop in this area



A good wide walk way with seating to allow care givers or anyone pushing a wheelchair to rest even from a wheelchair you can find good view over the channel and if its is clear the cost of France. The area look like it was very popular with a number of people just enjoying a stroll or the sea air. At the memorial arch you are near the town centre area with the shops etc.



1 good wheelchair accessible toilet this is next to the café near the Band stand end of the Leas Radar key required



There are no staff expect for the café which we did not visit


The Memorial Arch looking back up along the Leas

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