The Guild of Foresters The Guild of Foresters

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The Guild of Foresters

40 Portobello High Street, Edinburgh, EH15 1DA, United Kingdom | 0131 669 2750 | Website


Food Lover - Course 5

Accessible beer garden beach huts!


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Was very impressed with this pub and restaurant. The staff are friendly, the atmosphere is welcoming and the accessible beer garden is a nice place to catch up with friends!

Transport & Parking


We drove and parked at in the nearby Tumbles car park as we were going to be wandering along the promenade, but there is on-street parking closer to the pub. There is also a bus stop just outside.



Entrance is through a lightweight, but non-automatic door, where there is a slight nuisance of a divider which forces you to turn either left or right as you walk into the pub. I assume this is to keep drafts away from customers, which is great, but it may make for a slightly tight turn if you are using a wheelchair or powerchair. Once inside, you are greeted by a member of staff who will seat you. Chair types are mixed, with lots of easy to move armchairs dotted around tables - leaving a good amount of space for wheelchair users to sit. It's all table service which is great! The pub isn't too dark or loud which is good, and there is a nice cosy fireplace for the winter months. If you do want to go out to the beer garden, a single door right beside the accessible toilet pushes open easily (it's a fire exit style door) and you come straight to a ramp and a small set of steps where there is a cheery row of colourful beer beach huts and tables. The ramp takes you right up to the beer garden where you can either choose to sit at the tables on the astro-turf, or head inside one of the huts. They are all open at the front, no doors to negotiate, but the tables in the centre of each are very sturdy and would be difficult to move. This means if you are a wheelchair user, you would need to position your chair on the outer side of the hut with your back to the beer garden - which may be a bit chilly in winter months, but right in the middle of the action in the summer months! Plus you don't have far to travel to the accessible toilet.



Very, very clean, and a nice big size - just not huge.



Very friendly. May be more helpful if they could read the specials out as it is quite difficult to see the specials board.

Anything else you wish to tell us?

Highly recommend, the food is excellent as is the atmosphere!


Photo of the exterior and main entrance. Photo of the beer beach huts. Photo of the ramp to the beer garden. Photo of the accessible toilet.

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