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The Globe

47 Marylebone Road, London, NW1 5JY, United Kingdom | 020 7935 6368 | Website


Agreeable pub, dreadful "accessible" (??) toilet


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This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Wheelchair


This pub opposite Baker Street station has a traditional feel and is easy to get into (level access). A friendly place to drink, but the ground-floor "accessible" toilet was in a terrible mess on my visit.

Transport & Parking


Baker Street Station is very nearby but is not step-free. However, if you can get out of your wheelchair, you can get all the way to street level via escalators. Zillions of buses serve the area. I don't know about parking but you certainly wouldn't try parking in the street in this area.



Access around the pub was OK, but access into the "accessible" toilet was hopeless - see below. This has affected my overall access star rating.



It's good that there's an accessible toilet on the ground floor, but it's not accessible because the staff have rammed enormous amounts of unidentified gear into it, so that you can't get into it if you're a wheelchair user. In addition, the red emergency cord was tied up in a dozen or so really tight and complex knots. Overall rating: disgraceful, and zero stars.



I didn't interact with the staff.

Anything else you wish to tell us?

I would not recommend this pub to wheelchair users unless the staff can make the so-called "accessible" toilet genuinely accessible.


The red emergency cord has been tied up out of reach in a dozen or so tight and complex knots. Disgraceful. The so-called "accessible" toilet was rammed full of this huge and unidentifiable stuff, which made it completely inaccessible to a wheelchair-user. Thoughtless and disgraceful.

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