The Bothy Restaurant The Bothy Restaurant

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The Bothy Restaurant

33 Kinnoull Street, Perth, PH1 5EN, United Kingdom | 0845 659 5907 | Website


Location - Dundee - Expert

Lunch and Shopping


Visit date:

This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Powerchair


Lovely lunch in the centre of Perth with level access. The menu has a good selection of food for vegetarians.

Transport & Parking


Plenty of council car parks nearby that blue badge holders are able to park in for free. There is also some on street parking however, there were road works when I was there. Train station is nearby and bus stops around the city centre. I’m not from Perth so don’t know which ones exactly.



There is level access into the restaurant and signage is noticeably outside. I would say the doors are quite difficult to get through, one is too narrow to get through in a wheelchair so both need opened. Although there are two sets right after one another so it is a struggle to open. I had two people with me so we just managed but would be better having an automatic door button and maybe only one set of doors. A wheelchair user on there own would struggle and there is no bell to press for assistance. We go a table right near the door so didn’t have to go too far into the restaurant, but the tables are very close together so would struggle to get around them in a wheelchair. Tables are at a good height though for wheelchairs and if you got past a few of the tables you’d be able to manoeuvre more around.



Disabled toilet is an okay size however, too many things around toilet which would mean some people may struggle to transfer. These things could be moved though, apart from the sink. See photo below. I hung an emergency red cord card.



Staff were very nice and helpful once we were seated. Although I did notice someone saw us struggling to open the doors when we arrived and didn’t offer to help, maybe they were doing something else though.

Anything else you wish to tell us?

I would definitely go back. But if accessibility was to improve I would space the tables out more and find a solution for the door entrance.


The Bothy Restaurant The Bothy Restaurant The Bothy Restaurant - Accessible Toilet The Bothy Restaurant

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