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The Alnwick Garden

The Alnwick Garden, Alnwick, NE66 1NQ, United Kingdom | 01665 511350 | Website


Well laid out for visitors


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This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Wheelchair


It had been many years since I had visited the Alnwick Castle Gardens, this one only being at the request of my ageing in-laws who were visiting and wanted to see the gardens. That said, I have to say I am glad I was persuaded to go. Now using a wheelchair, I was intrigued as to how this visit would go. I need not have worried. On turning into the carpark, I was met by a very helpful carpark attendant called Mark who showed us where to park. Once out of the car a very pleasant guide called Emma escorted us up to the Gardens. En route there was a toilet block which also had disabled toilets. As we had bought our tickets online (5% discount for doing so) all we had to do was give our reference number from the booking. No need to print out the booking confirmation which was great, nor go to the ticket booth. I ought to add that my wife was admitted free as she was my ‘pusher/carer’ Once inside the grounds, there was a good display of walking sticks which were being sold for charity, as well as a detailed map showing the layout of the garden as well as the accessible route around the gardens. In the middle of this covered area one looked directly over onto the foot of the Grand Cascade water feature (more later) Our first stop was the ‘Poison Garden’ where we had an informative tour given by Sandy. I never realised there were as many plants in the UK that could kill you! This Garden was located beside the ‘Crafty Cottage’. We then crossed back over in front of the Pavilion building which also housed the Café on one side and some type of meeting room on the other we made our up through the Serpent Garden which had some intriguing water features to be mesmerised with. I remember there from around 15 years ago when my young son ran through them only to get rather wet. The gradient from top to bottom was a bit of a push in places but there were benches on the way for the pusher to have a rest. Getting to the top, we had a pleasant stroll through the Ornamental Garden when was very well laid out. On exiting one had a really good view down the Grand Cascade water feature. This was the focal point on the gardens I suppose with the water running down the tiered area ending with a fountain display at the bottom. This description does not do it justice and it really has to be viewed to be fully appreciated. There are a number of other areas to see within the gardens but with my in laws wilting (they are in their late 80s) we headed for the tea room for refreshments. The building was bright and air with large glass automated doors at each end which allowed bird to fly in and out freely as Ducks wandered about outside. Opposite the entrance there was a well laid out gift shop, which also had toilets, again including a disabled one, as well as a fish and chip café! There were a number of areas within the Gardens that we didn’t get to visit but this may be a reason to return soon. One of which was the famous Tree House which, according to the website, is accessible by wheelchair’. On the whole we thoroughly enjoyed our visit to Alnwick Gardens. Even the drizzle could not spoil it. Thanks to the staff mentioned above for making our visit and easy and pleasurable one. I would say it is well worth a visit, even to non-gardening people like myself.

Transport & Parking


Parking was very good with a good number of disabled bays An attendant showed us were to park and then a guide escorted us up to the entrance. We arrived when the Gardens opened so perhaps we were fortunate to get such assistance. The gradient up to the entrance was fairly steep. Wheelchairs and mobiklity scooters can be borrowed if one phone in advance



On the whole we found the Gardens accessible. The map showing routs for wheelchairs and buggies was really useful. Gradients at some point was a bit of a push but there were a number of benches for the pusher to have a rest.



I can nly say that I saw two different disabled toilets on my visit but I did not use either and rtherefore feel unable to score properly. The doors looked wide though.



The three members of staff mentioned in my review weere excellent. Thos working in the Gardens were also infomative and polite.

Anything else you wish to tell us?

Even for a non gardening person such as myself, this place is well worth a visit

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