Stourbridge Canal Stourbridge Canal

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Stourbridge Canal

Wordsley, Stourbridge, DY8 4AZ, United Kingdom


Sightseer - Chapter 5

Spring walk along the canal towpath


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This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Long Cane, Wheelchair


Wanting to explore the glass heritage of Stourbridge and the canal history it seemed appropriate to see how accessible the canal towpaths might be. Setting out from Wollaston village and heading toward the famous Red House Glass Cone we left the busy pavements of the main road and dived down onto the canal side.

Transport & Parking


Buses plough their way along the adjacent roads so there's always a bus to be found. We walked to the canal from where we were staying.



Previous experiences of canal and river walks brought up thoughts of muddy paths, narrow gates, barriers, and treacherous terrain. It was a delight to discover that the canal towpath was actually a well made solid path. In fact, it was something of a people's thoroughfare as there were family walking their dogs, people with young children in buggies, older folks out for a stroll and the numerous cyclists of all ages ploughing their way along this urban secret. The paths were firm, if not solid surfaced, and wide enough for people to easily pass which was great as a wheelchair user as I wasn't that keen on getting to close to the waters' edge. I'd not like to join the interesting range of things that I imagine get abandoned in urban canals. Canals are also great for wheelchair users as they tend to be fairly level as they hug the contours of the landscape as best they can. The odd locks here and there to gain or loose some height. It meant that for most of the time it was a gentle wheel and then a wee bit of power to go up when you met the locks. Beware the raised bricks in the towpath when near locks and bridges that help give people traction when pulling boats by hand. They can be a trip hazard but are conveniently, not perhaps by design, in the centre of the paths so you can wheel over them as they sit between your wheels. There were plenty of seats and places to stop and rest a while too.





Anything else you wish to tell us?

An urban oasis of calm and tranquility as canals operate in a sedate and calm way with narrowboats simply chugging along at around 4 m.p.h.


Image of Paul sitting on a stone bridge. Image of the canal. Another image of the canal. Another image of the canal.

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