St Pancras International Railway Station
Euston Road, London, N1C 4QP, United Kingdom | 0207 843 7688 | WebsiteSo much apart from simply catching a train
Heading into St Pancras Station to catch a Eurostar to Amsterdam, we found the station to be a fascinating array of busyness, shops, a piano or two, and places to eat.
Toilets.... Hmmm....
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I don’t know how people find their way around this railway station, without the help of the Railway Assist. When booking a train, ASK FIR ASSISTANCE IF YOUR JOURNEY MEANS GOING THROUGH THIS STATIO...
Helpful - if you can get through.
Having been calling the Eurostar dedicated number for passenger mobility assistance over two days, and listening to naff music for up to 35 minutes, with no indication that I was in the right queue...
Super good staff as always
This station has the best and most helpful staff of all stations on the network.
Travel & Transport
I was freely, politely, and non-patronisingly offered assistance - in my case it was to 'borrow' a wheelchair and pusher.