Portrait Gallery Portrait Gallery

Portrait Gallery

1 Queen Street, Edinburgh, EH2 1JD, United Kingdom | 0131 624 6200 | Website

Graham Fagan and Douglas Gordon - Descriptive Tour and Workshop

Descriptive Tour and Workshop

Descriptive tour and workshop consisting of a 90 minute tour in the morning, followed by a lunch break and a 2.5 hour practical workshop in the
afternoon. Guides, chairs and refreshments will be provided. Please bring a packed lunch.

Free but booking essential.

Explore Robert Burns and his legacy through the lens of two exciting contemporary installations at the Portrait Gallery. Graham Fagan's evocative
video installation focusses on ‘The Slave’s Lament’, Roberts Burns' only work to empathise with the appalling hurt of the displaced, the trafficked
and the enslaved. Douglas Gordon’s specially commissioned installation, Black Burns, is a striking response to the full-length marble statue of the
poet Robert Burns in The Great Hall of the Scottish National Portrait Gallery.

Meet and collect at main entrance. 

How to Book
Phone: 0131 624 6560
Email: informationdesk@nationalgalleries.org

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