limited disabled toilet
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This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Walking Aid, Powerchair, Hidden Impairment, Speech Impairment
I am reviewing the disabled toilet in the X-ray dept of the Royal Free only. It is miniscule and with small folding doors, it's necessary to go in backwards - there is no room to turn around at all once inside. Sanitary bins are placed next to the toilet so that it is impossible to transfer from chair to loo at all. There were two more bins there when I visited, all three of which are opened only by operating a foot pedal. The red cord was tied up.
Transport & Parking
very limited parking indeed - even for patient transport via ambulance
some corridors are tightly packed with hospital equipment, chairs and patients. It's an obstacle course trying to get through some of them without asking patients to move.
This refers ONLY to one disabled toilet in the xray dept
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