Royal Botanic Garden Royal Botanic Garden

Royal Botanic Garden

Inverleith Row, Edinburgh, EH3 5LR, United Kingdom | 01312482909 | Website


Sightseer - Chapter 5

Green space and colourful arrays of plants and foliage.


Visit date:

This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Wheelchair, Powerchair, Hidden Impairment


Having not been to the Botanic Gardens since the before the pandemic it was fabulous to revisit once again. Like many other places, the layouts and landscapes have changed as it has been a long while. The Gardens are undergoing redevelopment of the glasshouses so some areas are shut off but new paths and routes have been created to maintain the enjoyment of visiting.

Transport & Parking


Arriving by bus was fine as the East Gate is really handy. If coming by car then the arrangements for accessible parking are a bit different just now. A row of disabled parking bays can be found outside the West Gate just along from the entrance. These bays are not great for wheelchair users as there is a massive kerb, strange camber, and problems with passing traffic. All that said, the Council are working to change this layout to be more accessible as well as adding some new close proximity parking spaces nearer the entrances to the Gardens and the Park opposite.



Once in the gardens, heading for the site of the old glasshouses, you discover a new path has been created through the trees. Like most of the other paths, it has a hard surface, is wide, and this one has lots of places to stop and rest a while. Plenty of benches afford a great spot to sit by the trees. The gardens remain a wonderful place just to sit and relax. With lots of different planting areas to explore, large open grass areas, or the fascination of students plots or the old Botanics Cottage to explore. At the moment the glasshouses are closed whilst a new complex is being built.



Good accessible loos at the John Hope Gateway. There are two, one is smaller than the other, so if you need space the right hand one is larger than the left.



Friendly and welcoming.


A pagoda in the Chinese gardens as R.B.G.E. Apple blossom at the Botanic gardens The Gardner's Cottage at the Botanic gardens with two beds of tulips in the front adjacent to the paved walkway

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