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  • Oriental Express

Oriental Express

Kings Road, Cleethorpes, DN35 0AG, United Kingdom | 01472 694999 | Website


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This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Hearing Aid, Walking Aid, Wheelchair


Depending on who the staff are is dependent on how they are towards you. Although there is only one disabled parking spot which is close to the path that leads to the slight ramp for wheelchairs that the surface is the same as the path. With only one door open it is a bit of a tight squeeze for a wheelchair to get through the doors, but is not a problem if you want to open the other door unless you are short or unable to reach up to the top of the door. In the large foyer there is a disabled toilet which has hand rails and also is big enough for a person in a wheelchair to be able to use on their own, so therefore allows more independence than most standard toilets. The appearance is clean with double doors into the seating area. The passage to the bar is just wide enough to get a wheelchair down and when entering the restaurant you are limited to tables near where the food is. If you want a window seat to overlook the boating lake then you will be sadly disappointed as there is steps down to this area. Food is quite high for a person in a wheelchair to access so they are reliant on those with them, also difficult to be able to hold the plate, use walking stick and help yourself to food, staff fail here as they have been known to just stand there watching a person struggle. Because of the noise factor here it is difficult for a person who uses a hearing device to be able to hear and follow the conversation adequately so to a certain extent excludes them from a conversation that is held amongst the table as if you raise your voice all the tables located nearby could hear the conversation. The choice of food is extensive and has allowed for all tastes as it covers English food, Chinese food and Indian food which everyone can go and help themselves to as many times as they like and for desert there is ice-cream from a machine which you can add various toppings to.

Transport & Parking


It is located close to a bus route in which you have to cross a council run car park before having a steep incline to their own car park which only has one disabled parking place which is often used. It is a case of get there early to get a free parking space in their own car park of have to pay for parking in the council run one.



The steep incline to the disabled ramp or numerous steps from the council car park lets it down. Inside too cluttered but is need when busy.



The only let down here is there is no emergency cord apart from that the toilet is accessible very easily for a disabled person on their own although door may be a problem for the person to close on their own as opens outwards.



Majority of staff are friendly, although, there is the odd one that will try and place people in a wheelchair out of view and has a condescending look on her face to people with walking aids.

Anything else you wish to tell us?

As a regular to this venue can understand why people with either guide dogs or assistance dogs have not appeared to use it as they could easily get the paws trampled on, as the tables are very close together. Would not use if having to discuss business or personal issues due to such closeness of tables to each other, when busy can be very noisy to the point the person with us that uses a hearing aid actually turned theirs off. Is well worth going for the food as they have lunch time specials for senior citizens Monday - Friday.

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