Millig Practice (Doctors)
Visit date:
Helensburgh has two doctors practices but both are housed within the same building. When you go in the door, the Millig Practice is on the right side of the building and the Helensburgh Medical Centre is on the left.
Transport & Parking
The building has its own car-park underneath it, with marked disabled bays. You reach the car-park by driving in through the Co-op supermarket car-park. Both have a fairly low ceiling height, fine for most vehicles, but good to highlight just in-case. A lift goes from the car-park into the doctors building (shared car-park and lift for both practices) The doctors isn't far from the town centre, and a short distance from the train station, where as well as trains, there is a local bus stop and a taxi rank.
A lift goes from the car-park directly into the doctors building. Or, if not using the car-park/lift, there are both stairs and a ramp at the front door. On arrival you can use a computer screen on the wall to confirm you have arrived for your appointment, or tell the receptionist at the desk. Have noticed it is quite a high desk, with no lowered section, so this could make it more difficult for some people if in a wheelchair and especially if having a private conversation. Waiting room is large and has room to move in. The Doctors/Nurses come out of consulting rooms and call out the name of their next patient - although could be missed by someone with hearing difficulties, the doctors do usually come into the waiting room and have quick look about if no-one responds to their first call, so I expect they would make sure the person/patient understood. Most appointments need to be booked on the day you are going - it can be difficult to get through on the phone at this time. However an online system has recently been introduced and some people may prefer that. You can also go in person at 8am ( when the practice opens) to make an appointment for that day
There is an accessible toilet. Generally ok, the flush handle is on the 'wall' side of the toilet, perhaps making it slightly trickier for someone to reach if sitting in their wheelchair at the opposite side. Not a major issue, just seemed a bit odd to me! Didn't notice an orange safety cord, but there may have been one. It is also the baby change area.
Generally staff are friendly, but like all Doctors surgeries they get very busy and have time-pressures.
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