Liverpool Lime Street Railway Station Liverpool Lime Street Railway Station

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Liverpool Lime Street Railway Station

Lime Street, Liverpool, L1 1JD, United Kingdom | 03457 11 41 41 | Website


Food Lover - Course 5

Train station with excellent wayfinding


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Really impressed with how easy it was to find my way around Liverpool Lime Street station. Signs were large, clear and with easy to understand pictorial symbols.

Transport & Parking


Don't know so much about parking, but when I arrived at the station I found the taxi rank very quickly. The taxi rank is sheltered as well - I managed to hide from Storm Doris!



Signage at this station was excellent. I found everything easy to find - they even had signposts for cash machines! Signs were large, clear and with high contrasting text and backgrounds. Pictorial signs were helpful and easy to understand too. Lots of staff around, particularly at barriers which is brilliant if you need a hand getting around them, especially with big bags. Access into the shops and cafes is all level with automatic doors. There was an electronic sign showing where to go in the station if you needed assistance with access at all. This was located beside the accessible loo.



Didn't use these but they were so clearly signposted it was great. The wide door opened out into a large space, so no narrow corridors to squeeze through. Did notice a lot of people waiting around this area though for friends coming out of the toilets, so just be aware that the space can get a bit busy.



The staff I met didn't say very much but they were helpful in opening barriers and just generally being there if you have any questions.

Anything else you wish to tell us?

Great station, quite a few food shops if you're setting off on a longer journey. Not too far from the city centre either.


Lift signage. Mobility assistance sign. Photo of the train station.

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