La Cala de Mijas La Cala de Mijas

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La Cala de Mijas

La Cala de Mijas, La Cala de Mijas, 29649, Spain


Perfect Holiday Location



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Over the years I have visited La Cala De Mijas many times, which is in the Costa Del Sol, Spain. In the past it has not been the most accessible place, however, the community and local committee have been working to change that. They have taken up all of the public paths and replaced them, making them wider and ensuring they are all level and accessible for wheelchairs, which makes getting around the town a lot easier. Furthermore, they have put boardwalks all along the beach so people who may have mobility difficulties are able to access the beach and sea, with regular monitoring from lifeguards. At the Lifeguard station they have made accessible sun-loungers on a level access floor on the beach and have also provided wheelchairs and walking sticks that can be used on the sand and in the sea to make access into the water easier for everyone. they have also included a disabled friendly outside shower on the beach, and this is based near a disabled toilet. The Lifeguards are always willing to help and are very friendly and regularly patrol the whole of the beach. All of the public transport is very cheap and accessible for wheelchair users. This is a great holiday destination for families to visit as they are constantly looking at new ways to improve their facilities.

Transport & Parking


All of the public transport is very cheap and accessible for wheelchair users which makes it the most ideal way of traveling around the Costa del Sol area. The public bus takes you right into the centre of the town and it is only a couple of minutes walk away from the beach which is also accessible by wheel chair. However, if you were to drive then there are plenty of disabled parking bays which are local to the beach and the shops, and all of the disabled parking bays have level access ground, making it easy to get around the town and to the beach.



The area and beach is very accessible as it is all level access and wherever there are steps within the town, then there is also a ramp so you can still use the facilities that are on offer to everyone, making everything in the town very accessible. There are also lots of zebra crossings which means there are plenty of opportunities to cross the road as this will also have a dropped kerb. When you are at the beach the signage is very clear as you can clearly see where the lifeguard station is and also where the nearest toilets are found.. The pleasure of it being beach side and everywhere being easy to access means that it is an ideal location to visit. Furthermore, most of the local restaurants all have disabled access and are all very helpful in meeting your needs.



There are disabled toilets that are located next to the beach, and these are accessible via a ramp into them. There is enough space in these toilets to maneuver about, however due to them being open to everyone on the beach this can mean that they are not always the cleanest of toilets because of people coming from the beach to use them, although the local council workers do a good job in trying to keep them clean and monitoring them throughout the whole day. Most of the restaurants all have disabled friendly toilets and these are very accessible and are kept clean and tidy. I believe most of the restaurants disabled toilets will have room to maneuver and for a carer to also be present. Most of these toilets also have a pull down handle rail. My advice is if the beach toilets are not accessible enough for an individual's specific needs then the lifeguards will be more than helpful to point you into the correct direction of what restaurants will have the best disabled toilet facilities, or even the restaurant staff are all very friendly so I would also recommend asking them.



When on the beach there are always at least two lifeguards who walk up and down the beach, as well as the lifeguards who are at the lifeguard station right next to the level access part of the beach that has easy access sun loungers and wheel chairs on. They are more than helpful to ensure that all of your needs are being met and that you are safe whilst you are at the beach. When I am on the beach it allows me to feel a lot safer to know that they are regularly monitored and if I had any concerns, that they are willing to talk and help. There is an ambulance that is based next to the beach throughout the whole day and there are also the local Police that cycle along the boardwalk through La Cala and the whole of the Costa del Sol, ensuring that it is a safe place to visit. Also all the staff in the restaurants are very helpful with any requests and ensuring that your needs are being met. This is very important as it makes dining out when you go to the beach a lot more relaxing and easier.

Anything else you wish to tell us?

I would definitely recommend this area to anyone looking for a safe friendly holiday destination. as they are always looking at ways to improve the accessibility access of the town. It is also a great destination if you would like to spend time by the beach and exploring the local town as there are many things to do in the town itself and also in the surrounding areas which can be accessed by public transport. I visit this town at least twice a year as my parents have a house here, so I have been able to see the improvements that they have been making over the years and it is only getting better. The community feels so accepting and it is a friendly environment to be in.


Walking Sticks available for anyone to use on the Beach One of the many Access points onto the beach  and also where the Life Guards are based. One of the wheelchairs what can be used on the sand and in the sea. Accessible beach shower

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