Jumeirah Zabeel Saray Jumeirah Zabeel Saray

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Jumeirah Zabeel Saray

Crescent Road, Dubai, UAE, United Arab Emirates | +971 4 453 0000 | Website

Wheelchair in Dubai


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This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Wheelchair


Pure luxury with hassle free vacationing and access for everyone!

Transport & Parking


When staying more than three nights in the club rooms, chauffeur driven cars are supplied. Wheelchair accessible vehicles are available on request (including taxis and vans for transfers)



Never had to open a door as staff are always there to help, although not intrusive. Automatic doors are very wide, ramps to all areas within the hotel. More ramps and lifts than there is steps in the complex. Private beach access meant wheelchair users could go to the waterfront. Lifts are available to all floors and staff are able to help with luggage immediately on arrival.



Public Toilets/ those in the lobby or dining areas are all spacious and have handrails near toilet for transfer.



All staff are ever so helpful towards every guest that enters the hotel regardless of ability. Upgrades or adaptions upon arrival if you find your condition or illness prevents you from enjoying your stay can be arranged and staff are more than happy to help.

Anything else you wish to tell us?

I am very much looking forward to coming back to Jumeirah Zabeel Saray this summer on the 30th of June till the 5th of July!


Entrance to the hotel. Back of the hotel. Example of corridor or hallway in the lobby. Picture of Jumeirah Zabeel Saray Hotel

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