Jessie's Kitchen Jessie's Kitchen

Jessie's Kitchen

3 Albert Road, Dundee, DD5 1AY, United Kingdom | 01382 778488


Location - Dundee - Expert

Wheelchair Accessible Café with Delicious Cakes



Visit date:

This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Powerchair


Jessie's Kitchen is a great family friendly, wheelchair accessible café, serving delicious food. Staff are very helpful and welcoming.

Transport & Parking


There aren't any designated accessible parking spaces at Jessie's Kitchen however, there is plenty of space to get out of the car. Although I was able to drive on it, the ground of the car park is gravelled and bumpy in some areas. Staff said next time I visit I can park closer to the accessible entrance where the ground is much smoother. Jessie’s Kitchen is just out with the center of Broughty Ferry and there are buses running on the main bus route of Dundee roughly a 5-minute walk away. The center of Broughty Ferry is a 10-minute walk away where there are taxi ranks and a train station but, I don’t think many trains stop in Broughty Ferry.



When you first arrive, you’d think that the main entrance is accessible because there is a ramp going up the stairs, although it would be rather steep to drive up (see photo below). Once you go closer though you’d notice that there’s a step right at the doorway which doesn’t have a ramp, I’m not sure why there’s a ramp at part of the entrance when the rest of it isn’t accessible. I don’t know though, maybe it would be accessible for manual wheelchair users as it is only one step right at the doorway. I have visited previously so I knew there was an accessible entrance around the back but, there isn’t any signage to say this (none that I saw anyway). My helper had to go in the main entrance to ask a staff member to help us use the accessible entrance, having a bell at the main entrance that lets staff inside know someone needs assistance would be a great to avoid someone having to go in, or if a wheelchair user was on their own. The accessible entrance is around the back of Jessie’s Kitchen, it’s actually the staff area where the kitchen is. The ground around the accessible entrance is a lot smoother than at the main entrance due to there not being any stones to get stuck in. The doorways are quite narrow to drive through but manageable (see photos below for reference). Inside Jessie’s Kitchen there are 3 rooms that you can sit in, one being a childrens room. All rooms are quite tight to move around in for wheelchair users however, there are still plenty of tables to sit at and staff are able to move tables and chairs if you need them to. All tables are at a great height. There isn’t much room around the counter where cakes are displayed and where you pay, especially if it is busy and customers are queuing to wait for a table. The counter is also quite high, I struggled to see what cakes were available without rising my wheelchair up.



There is an accessible/baby changing toilet at Jessie’s Kitchen. However, I feel there wouldn’t be much room for wheelchair in this toilet, especially if someone needed assistance (see photos below for reference). There isn’t a red cord in the accessible toilet which is not great if someone falls and needs assistance. The toilet is also situated near the left-hand side of the toilet so if someone can only transfer from the left, they would struggle. There is no Changing Room, the closer one is at Broughty Ferry beach which is a 15-minute walk away. It’s open 09:00-17:00 in the Summer and 09:00-15:30 in the Winter.



All staff that I interacted with during my visit were very friendly. A staff member came out with my helper to let me know how long I’d have to wait for a table and then later came and found us outside when our table was ready to help me to the accessible entrance.

Anything else you wish to tell us?

There is a nice small garden centre attached to Jessie’s Kitchen which is a little tight to drive around. In the warmer weather there is also a lovely area to sit outside.


Image of main entrance with ramp and step at doorway. Image of reviewer going through accessible entrance. Image of next doorway to go through accessible entrance. Image of toilet in accessible/baby changing toilet. Image of baby changing facilities in accessible/baby changing toilet. Image of delicious chocolate and salted caramel brownie.

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