Iziko Museum Iziko Museum

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Iziko Museum

25 Queen Victoria Street, Cape Town, 8000, South Africa | +27 (0)21 481 3800 | Website

Wheelchair Accessible Museum


Visit date:

This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Wheelchair, Powerchair


The Iziko Museum is accessible from the parking area, with designated off-street disabled bays, to the ramped entrance and right throughout the museum, with all levels being accessible by ramps.

Transport & Parking


There is a disabled bay within the grounds of the museum right next to the entrance ramps of the building.



Each floor is accessible by gentle gradient ramp walkways, for both disabled and able bodied visitors with ample space. There are also elevators.



We did not visit the bathrooms on our visit so unfortunately I cannot comment on this at this stage, but we will visit again.



We only had interaction with the staff at the ticket office, but they were friendly and welcoming.

Anything else you wish to tell us?

We have visited on a number of occassions over the past few years and will most definitely visit again. My son is wheelchair bound and loves this museum for all of its interesting displays, as well as being able to independently navigate his way around.


Picture of Iziko Museum - Bones Picture of Iziko Museum - Giraffe

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