Houses of Parliament Houses of Parliament

Houses of Parliament

Westminster, London, SW1A 0AA, United Kingdom | 020 7219 4114 | Website


Almost perfect


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This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Wheelchair


We were attending a reception on The Terrace. Our taxi was allowed to drop us off in a restricted area and then we were pointed towards the normal ramp leading down to security and were told that they would take us through quickly and then guide us to our reception. We had to wait about 15 minutes in the queue heading towards screening (luckily it was not raining) and then we were quickly and gently screened. We were then taken through the back corridors to our reception. Everywhere was wheelchair friendly with the exception of the step onto The Terrace itself. Staff were very alert to our needs and difficulties and even staff who were not involved with us were amenable to helping us out when we asked for assistance. There are not than many disability friendly toilets but the one near Westminster Hall is very good and an audio track tells you where everything is inside the toilet. We had to wait outside of one Disabled Toilet whilst a member of the catering staff was using it (she was appropriately embarrassed when they came out and found us waiting).

Transport & Parking


We used a taxi because parking is a lottery and there was not point to point wheelchair access on the Tube.



Only one step onto the Terrace, lifts, ramps everywhere and staff to help who were really aware of the additional needs of wheelchair users.



Signposted and easy to use, but used by non disabled people as well.



All very aware of our needs and problems

Anything else you wish to tell us?

Absolutely recommended.

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