Glencoe Lochan Glencoe Lochan
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Glencoe Lochan

Glencoe Lochan, Ballachulish, PH49 4HT, United Kingdom | 01313705200 | Website

Hidden Gem



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This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Walking Aid, Wheelchair, Powerchair, Mobility Scooter


I travel in a powerchair so my review is from that viewpoint. I've visited this little gem of a place for many years, it's beautiful. Peaceful walks with stunning scenery. Today I visited in my powerchair, before I was ill I visited the Lochan on foot and also cycled it, so I knew the lay of the land. My powerchair handled the terrain with ease, the Lochan itself is flat and paved but the initial leg from the car park has some steep inclines and stoney ground. There are two paths to reach the lochan, I recommend the left hand lower path for wheelchairs and powerchair although I'm not sure all wheelchair users could cope with the terrain. If you're young and determined then yes but it may be a struggle for some. Once up at the Lochan you will be thankful you made the effort it's worth the trek. It only takes around 20 minutes to go around the water edge, there are woodland trails for the more able but in my chair I'm able to just sit and take in the beauty at various points and forget all my troubles. Scottish scenery at it's best.

Transport & Parking









A green sign with directions for Glencoe Lochan, including icons for parking, wheelchair access, picnic area, and walking trail. The sign features text in both English and Gaelic. A lake amidst trees and  mountains. A man with glasses and a hat smiling A  lake and trees, with a mountain in the background

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