Dunsley Hall Country House Hotel Dunsley Hall Country House Hotel

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Dunsley Hall Country House Hotel

Dunsley Lane, Whitby, YO21 3TL, United Kingdom | 01947 893437 | Website

Historic but accessible building.



Visit date:

This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Powerchair


A Country house hotel with owners who take accessibility seriously.

Transport & Parking


If your lucky there is a disabled car parking space adjacent to the start of the ramp to the entrance. Otherwise stop and unload the car at the ramp and park in the main carpark. There is no public transport except taxis from Whitby centre.



A gentle ramp takes you to the door. Inside the hotel there are no trip hazards or steps between the restaurant, bar or accessible bedrooms.



If you are only visiting the restaurant the unisex disabled loo is within the ladies powder room. It is excellent for ambulant wheelchair users or manual wheelchair users. Unfortunately the entrance is too narrow for power chair users.



Helpful and frìendly staff who do receive disability awareness training.

Anything else you wish to tell us?

The spacious dining room allows easy movement for a wheelchair user. The bar is full of large armchairs which makes it seem difficult for a wheelchair user, but a member of staff soon made space for me to get to where our group were sitting. I went into the accessible bedroom which had a good sized wetroom. As I use a power chair I simply returned to the bedroom to use the loo. Ì would return ñot least because the hotel is very good value for money. Good food, friendly staff and owners who care about accessìbility.


Dunsley Hall acccess entrance Dunsley Hall access bedroom Dunsley Hall access  dining room Dunsley Hall bedroom corridor access Dunsley Hall access loo Bathroom in acesss bedroom

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