Dundee Cycle Hub Dundee Cycle Hub

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Dundee Cycle Hub

Riverside Esplanade, Dundee, DD1 4EZ, United Kingdom | 01382 339491 | Website


Sightseer - Chapter 5

Cycling for everyone


Visit date:

This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Wheelchair, Powerchair


The Dundee Cycle Hub sits in Waterfront Place and is a cycling centre offering a range of cycles as well as a large cafe where you can sit in or take a table outside. Wow rolled by on our visit to explore the Dundee Waterside. It's handy for the cycle route, the city and so much more.

Transport & Parking


You can come on your bike or handily arrive by car as we did and park in the accessible parking area sandwiched between the V&A and Waterfront Place.



The walk, or roll, from the parking was level and brilliantly smooth. Once at the Hub, it has level access and offers a range of cycling opportunities; including hand cycling! Established as a social enterprise the Hub offers everything cloying, from repairs through to bike hire, training and more. It sits in Waterside Place and has great views over to the River Tay and the water. When you fancy a break the Hub Cafe can offers a range of drinks and snacks in a great location.






Dundee Cycle Hub. A photo of the building and the rack of bikes outside. The entrance to the Dundee Cycle Hub cafe

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