Dundee Bus Station Dundee Bus Station

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Dundee Bus Station

Seagate, Dundee, DD1 2EH, United Kingdom


Can be improved


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This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Walking Aid, Wheelchair, Mobility Scooter, Hidden Impairment, Autism, Learning Disability


The bus station is accessible but unfortunately could be better improved. The spacing between the building and the stops are narrow and chairs can be restricted during busy periods. Many of the stances are for long distance coach journeys so you will need to advise the operator in advance if you require the use of a lift. There is a small shop which is manageable with a chair and the staff are more than happy to assist you when browsing or purchasing.

Transport & Parking


Bus connections are good but parking is more limited. There is a drop off bay nearby. Pedestrian crossings are all nearby and close.



Level flooring that is smooth and wide doors. A sign for induction loop but unsure if it is working. Benches exist but not many. There are display boards but sometimes they aren't working.



There is an accessible toilet Radar Key needed. It is a bit outdated as are the normal toilets. Often the toilets are closed due to vandalism/overdoses.



Staff are always helpful and many know what buses go where. The staff behind the counter can be a bit curt and difficult to hear at times.

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