Dundee Bus Station Dundee Bus Station

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Dundee Bus Station

Seagate, Dundee, DD1 2EH, United Kingdom


A bus station with almost no disabled access and no staff who cared


Visit date:

This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Assistance Dog, Assistance Dog - Visual, Long Cane, Walking Aid, Wheelchair, Powerchair, Mobility Scooter, Learning Disability


Dundee's bus station has an automatic door to get inside, and an automatic door to get out to the bus bays. That's about it as far as disabled access goes.

Transport & Parking


There's no where to park your car at the bus station. Council car parks are located within a few hundred metres. There is a large coffee shop across the road from the bus station. It might well have an accessible toilet. It would certainly be a more pleasant place to wait for your bus than at the station.



You can get in through an automatic door and out to the bus bays through an automatic door. There was no accessible toilet. There was a very narrow turnstile to get into the toilets that were available. There was nobody at the ticket desk. There were screens positioned up high with tiny text for bus information, I presume. The staff member I saw was walking through the bus station with her cup of tea and when asked about an accessible toilet and other accessible features, had no idea and barely stopped to listen. If anyone tried to ask for help or assistance, they'd struggle. I don't even know if any staff would have appeared if the staff I saw hadn't happened to come out with her tea.



No accessible toilet available. The toilets that were available had a very narrow turnstile.



Completely uninterested and without knowledge of disabled access at the station. Entirely unhelpful.

Anything else you wish to tell us?

The bus station wasn't as clean as I'd have hoped. It felt quite miserable to be honest. The sanitiser station was empty. People were sitting around, one man was blocking a path I took. It didn't feel Covid safe or clean.


Front door, pull to open. Side door, automatic. There's a small shop beside the automatic door as you come into the station. The bus station waiting area. The turnstile into non-accessible toilets, on the righthand side. No one at the information window. No one at the travel shop. Automatic doors out to the bus bays. Inside as you go through the automatic doors. The bus station exterior.

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