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Down House

Luxted Road, Downe, BR6 7JT, United Kingdom | 01689 859119 | Website


Going to the source of the origin!


Visit date:

This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Assistance Dog - Visual, Wheelchair


An interesting place to visit if you like this sort of thing. It maybe lacks from more detail/interactive elements compared to some places, but as its reduced to CD's home, then we cannot expect too much. Getting there on public transport, requires a walk of a quarter of a mile from the nearest bus stop along a tight and in parts, unpaved country lane. There is ample parking, but the site closest to the house can get full and thus, you'd need to go to the overfill site which is around maybe, 200 meters away. As its a house, access issues for some might be a challenge, There is a lift, steps have ramps, so its possible to get around. Toilets looked fully accessible, but are outside. You might have to go through the excellent little cafe, and this might pose challenges for some. I suggest you get an audio guide, regardless of disability. It does indicate alternative routes/options for those unable to get to the more difficult parts.

Transport & Parking








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