Dance Base, Scotland's National Centre for Dance Dance Base, Scotland's National Centre for Dance

Dance Base, Scotland's National Centre for Dance

14-16 Grassmarket, Edinburgh, EH1 2JU, United Kingdom | 0131 225 5525 | Website

Dancing in the Streets

Dancing in the Streets article image

When the world paused, our relationship with the spaces around us changed. Confined to our homes, those brief excursions out into our surroundings provided a powerful and welcome sense of freedom and an opportunity to see things in a new light. You might have noticed your relationship with your city changing, developing, enriched by the new appreciation of truly looking, of taking stock of the world around you. This was a shared phenomenon, from people dancing in their driveways to singing from their balconies.

Dancing in the Streets is a series of filmic postcards from the streets of cities around the world. Four of the world’s most acclaimed choreographers, Alice Ripoll from São Paulo, Omar Rajeh from Beirut, Gregory Maqoma from Soweto and Janice Parker from Edinburgh have created short films with their dancers, responding to the past year and reflecting on their relationship with their home cities.

Each live event takes place at Dance Base. 

BSL interpretation is available on request. Please email or contact Edinburgh International Festival via SignLive before 12noon on Wednesday 18 August.


Runs Friday 20th August - Saturday 21st August
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