Crathes Castle Crathes Castle

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Crathes Castle

Crathes Castle, Banchory, AB31 5QJ, United Kingdom | 0845 094 9273 | Website

Not Recommended for Wheelchair Users


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This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Wheelchair


This is a beautiful castle, but very disappointing for wheelchair users. Disabled parking is at the top of a steep hill. Inside the castle only the downstairs is accessible, which is fine, I just wish we were told when we purchased our tickets. We were instructed to walk on the grass to the end of the green and along a muddy path to get to the walled garden as the normal entrance is being renovated. This was not a path the wheelchair was able to complete. I left my husband in his wheelchair and went to the garden by myself. There are sets of steps in the garden which makes it not accessible for a wheelchair. Again, I wish we were told about this, ideally before we purchased our tickets. We had a steep hill to go up in order to get back to the car, although an employee drove past us struggling up the hill and parked right in front of the castle, where there is no parking or drop off/pick up for disabled visitors. The lady working in the shop seemed rather annoyed by us asking about how to find the toilets since the cafe was closed and the staff all seemed rather annoyed that we were there.

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