Crathes Castle Crathes Castle

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Crathes Castle

Crathes Castle, Banchory, AB31 5QJ, United Kingdom | 0845 094 9273 | Website

Great 16th century castle on Royal Deeside, but limited wheelchair access


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This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Wheelchair, Mobility Scooter


I've visited Crathes Castle many times before my accessibility issues and it really is a gem, if you have the ability to climb castle stairs. For those in wheelchairs, we are inevitably restricted to the ground floor of the tower. The lower areas of gardens, however, have a level access through a new, small wooden pavilion. During the summer they are a great, colourful place to spend time, with views of the castle as a backdrop. If you have a blue badge, drive past the car park and follow the disabled parking signs up the hill. Oh, yes the hill! While in my able-bodied days, I hardly noticed there was a hill, in a manual chair you, or your attendant will soon notice that the hill up from the castle to the ticket desk and café seems to be steeper than I remember! The disabled toilet is in the spacious cafe area. It's good, with the minor caveat that there is only one and the corridor is rather tight for any queuing space! Outside the airy cafe is an open air seating area, which, unfortunately, has gravel paths which the small wheels on my chair struggle to cope with.

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Crathes Castle from the entrance to the lower garden.

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