Crathes Castle Crathes Castle

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Crathes Castle

Crathes Castle, Banchory, AB31 5QJ, United Kingdom | 0845 094 9273 | Website


Castles & Battlefields

Castle Exploring at its finest



Visit date:

This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Long Cane, Powerchair


Crathes Castle is easily a five star visit for so many reasons. I am reviewing from my perspective as a visually impaired person and I had a great time! Lot's to see, to do and to experience. All combined with a warm welcome ...

Transport & Parking


Crathes is on the main Royal Deeside road from Aberdeen. We arrived by car and after approaching along the tree lined drive we swept in to a large car park. Looking for accessible parking bays for our WAV (wheelchair accessible vehicle) we spotted the sign for disabled parking. We drove past the Castle and on around to the dedicated parking at the back of the gift shop.



An easy five stars as I was able to explore everywhere and although not being able to see everything or read anything I felt engaged and thoroughly enjoyed my time at the Castle. From the parking area we walked and wheeled down to the gift shop which is where you get your tickets. We asked about access and the ladies were quick to explain the Castle was accessible on the ground floor for my powerchair using friend, the cafe was accessible, as were the gardens and one of the estate walkways. We were made to feel very welcome and has a sense that access had been carefully considered here. Putting it to the test we explored the spacious gift shop and resisted the temptation edible treats on display. The cafe across the courtyard was also very accessible with a ramped access and large doors. A clearly signposted accessible loo was just around the conner from the main serving counter. Going to the Castle we didn't even get to the front door before a portable ramp was set down so we could both get in. The stewards explained what was on the ground floor and accessible for my pal. I went around the ground floor and then leaving my pal to go and explore the extensive gardens, I ventured upstairs. I had a great time looking around the rooms, the fabulous painted ceilings, and the gorgeous views from the open windows. A great experience!



A spacious accessible toilet was located in the cafe building.



All the staff we met were friendly and helpful. Very enthusiastic to share their love of Crathes and this made for a fabulous visit.

Anything else you wish to tell us?

One of the best Castle visits we have made and we have made several this year - certainly in out personal top three! Particularly of note was the cheery welcome from all the stewards and their considerate approach to making our visit the fabulous one that it was.


Crathes Castle Crathes Castle Gift Shop Crathes Castle Bedrooms Crathes Castle and a view from the windows Crathes Castle Crathes Castle

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