Colchester Zoo Colchester Zoo
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Colchester Zoo

Maldon Road, Colchester, CO3 0SL, United Kingdom | 01206 331292 | Website


Top Reviewer

Lovely place, shame about the paths



Visit date:

This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Wheelchair, Mobility Scooter


Having previously visited several other animal parks, we were impressed with Colchester zoo. On our visit, it was clean (even the disabled loo) and well-organised, with friendly staff and animals that looked like they were well cared-for. It was no problem taking part in events like feeding the elephants in a wheelchair, and it was lovely to be able to participate fully in something with my little boy. But... they aren't kidding when they warn you about the paths on their website. It's not just that some of them are pretty steep, even on the 'easy' route; they're also very bumpy in places. My very small Luggie scooter couldn't handle the uneven surfaces, so after a few near-capsizes, we went back and hired one of the zoo's own wheelchairs (£5), which was OK but it was lucky my partner was there to do some strong pushing!

Transport & Parking


There were plenty of disabled parking spaces near the entrance on a reasonably good surface.



I found the wheelchair access to be good apart from the difficulty with the paths, which were uneven and steep in many places.



I understand another reviewer wasn't keen on the accessible loos, but the one I went to near the lorrikeet house was clean and spacious, with enough grab handles.



All the staff were professional and friendly, including the uniformed volunteers.

Anything else you wish to tell us?

I'd love to go again, especially to see the elephants, but I would take my own self-propelling wheelchair rather than my small scooter that can't cope with uneven paths. And someone strong to push me up the slopes! I reckon people generally have a good time there, because all the visiting families seemed to be in a good mood and several people spontaneously offered to help push the wheelchair in difficult spots. It would be even better if they sorted out the paths, though.

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