Co-op Live Co-op Live

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Co-op Live

1 Sportcity Way, Manchester, M11 3DL, United Kingdom | Website

Staff went above and beyond


Visit date:

This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Hearing Aid, Walking Aid, Autism, Learning Disability


I used crutches for the Pet Shop Boys concert instead of a wheelchair because I think wheelchair spaces ran out at the time of booking. Anyway, I got to entrance C and there was a massive queue to get in so I spoke to a member of staff and luckily they had a separate accessible queue in entrance B which was a lot shorter and had a lift. I then went to my seats but to get to my seat I had to climb lots of steps and I couldn’t go any further after a few steps so the staff were very helpful and got us different seats. Which were much more accessible for me. I really enjoyed the concert and left half an hour early so I didn’t have to queue for the tram to get home

Transport & Parking


I got a taxi there and a tram home. They have lots of blue badge spaces but if you don’t have a blue badge you might have to do lots of walking to get there. Luckily for me I have a blue badge so the taxi could park right outside. Also the tram is just outside the venue. There is a lift for the tram or steps to get down to the tram. Your tickets should include free tram travel there and back.



There was a lift to get in to the building at entrance B but steps at entrance C



I’m not sure because i didn’t need to use them



The staff went above and beyond to make my experience as accessible as possible

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