Co-op Live Co-op Live

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Co-op Live

1 Sportcity Way, Manchester, M11 3DL, United Kingdom | Website

Must do better


Visit date:

This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Walking Aid


Attended to see The Eagles. Not a lot of thought seems to have gone into supporting people with disabilities other than the bare minimum requirements. The biggest issue is the food area - ‘The Street’ which has no seating at all making it really difficult for anyone with a physical disability to stand and eat anything. We asked for a chair was got shrugged at by two staff in blue shirts. We spotted someone from the welfare team who were much more polite and did find us a chair but we saw lots of people struggling to stand and eat. The venue itself is amazing. The disabled platforms are in an excellent position. However be aware the seats are not numbered when you get here so it is first come first served. The seats nearest the stage have a slightly obstructed view.

Transport & Parking


We drove and were able to book free disabled parking. There is a short walk to door B and the welfare and safeguarding staff were brilliant.



The disabled entrance was easy to negotiate. Inside it was a little dark in places but the staff had torches and were able to light the way. The lack of seating in the foyer and food area is the main issue - we asked for a seat and eventually got it but we saw lots of people struggling to stand and eat at the same time. There is one seated restaurant which is only open to people with tickets for level two. Very little signage anywhere. Very limited vegan options.



Clean and accessible - a couple more better placed handrails would make it even better. Very spacious and plenty of room.



I cannot speak more highly of the welfare and safeguarding team who were brilliant and the staff near the disabled platform. However, other staff seemed to have very little training or knowledge to support customers with disabilities and being shrugged at when we asked for seating in the food foyer was disappointing.

Anything else you wish to tell us?

The lack of seating was a major issue for us and others and would honestly put us off coming again. If we did we would skip the food and merchandise area and wait until the arena was open, and go straight to our seats meaning we would miss out on an experience that others are able to access


View from the right of the viewing platform. Obstructed view from the left of the platform.

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