Cineworld Cineworld

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Kingsway West, Dundee, DD2 3SQ, United Kingdom | 0330 333 4444 | Website


Location - Dundee - Expert

Getting Lost In The Movies


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This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Assistance Dog, Powerchair


Another local cinema in Dundee which is fully wheelchair accessible where staff are always friendly.

Transport & Parking


There are plenty of accessible parking spaces at the side of the Cineworld building which isn’t too far from the entrance. There are also a few accessibility parking spaces in front of the Cineworld building too, as well as many standard parking spaces. I don’ know much about the public transport in this area of Dundee. However, there is a bus stop about a 5-minute walk away which goes from Blairgowrie to Dundee bus station. Then Dundee bus station is a 10-minute walk to Dundee train station.



There are automatic doors to enter Cineworld with level access for wheelchair users. It is very spacious when you first go inside and there is plenty of room to queue up to buy your tickets. The queue starts a good distance away from the tills, so I’m never worried about running people over when I’m reversing. You have to get your tickets check before you enter the screen area, which can sometimes be a little narrow to get past when people are exiting and arriving at the same time. When buying snacks for the cinema, the area is also very spacious for wheelchairs to move around. The start of the queue again is far enough away to allow a wheelchair user to reverse without running someone over. The area outside the screens has plenty of room and the lighting is good so customers can easily see where their specific screen is. The doors leading to the screens are quite heavy to open though. The screens are like any other cinema screen I would say. In some, wheelchair users have to sit right at the front and in others, the wheelchair space is a few rows behind the front. I’ve visit the cinema with my friend a few times who has an assistance dog, and there has always been plenty of room for him in the screens to lie down whilst we watch the movie. As mentioned, the movie screens are all on the one level when you enter Cineworld. The only area which is upstairs is the bar area. There is a lift to get up, and there is plenty of room between the tables to move around.



There are two identical accessible toilets in Cineworld at either side of the building. Each of them are a standard accessible toilet however, there isn’t that much space though if a wheelchair user needs assistance from someone else. The toilet is more to the right-hand side of the space which means that people would struggle if they had to transfer at that side, and there is a big bin at the other side of the toilet which would probably need to be moved. The emergency red cord was successfully hanging free when I visited, I hung a red cord card on it to still spread awareness. There is no Changing Place toilet at Cineworld however, there is one in the play park at Camperdown Country Park across the road at the back. I’d say a 10-minute walk away or a few minutes driving in the car.



Every time I have visited this cinema the staff have always been very helpful and friendly. When I’m out, people usually speak to whoever I’m with instead of me but, this has never happened at Cineworld.

Anything else you wish to tell us?

I prefer to go to Cineworld rather than the Odeon because it is all on the one level. I can fully relax when watching a movie because I don’t have the fear of there being a fire and I can’t get out. The mobile app is very easy to use to book tickets and you are able to enter your CEA card to get your free carer ticket straight away.


Image of the outside of Cineworld. Image of the ticket area. Image of the snack area. Image of area where the screens are. Image of one of the accessible toilets. Image of the layout of the screen I was in during this visit, wheelchair space was at the front in the right hand corner.

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