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Chessington World of Adventures

Leatherhead Road, Chessington, KT9 2NE, United Kingdom | 0871 663 4477 | Website


Needs Improvement


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This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Walking Aid


Large number of rides are inaccesible for people to climb in and out of particualry if they are unsteady on their feet - no rides stop for you to get on. If travelling in a group you only get allocated a certain number of queue jump wristbands. But the person wearing it has to go on thr ride, therefore the group can only go on rides that the person with the wristband wants to go on. In a group of 10 we had 3 wristbands! They need to have a wristband each. On some rides the disabled entrance was locked and needed to really force the issue with some staff to come and let us in that way. Maps are inaccesible and more information or pictures on what the rides are like would have been great for our group. Also witnessed another person with ld/autism there and when they became physically challenging they were not handled in the best way by staff.

Transport & Parking


did not use car park. Travelled by train from Waterloo and then 10 minute walk / bus hop down the road



Do not stop rides for people with physical impairments or those unsteady on their feet. a number of rides you have to climb in/out of. On one ride we saw the disabled/ wheelchair sign next to a set of stairs. We did not have a wheelchair user in our group but they would be very hard pressed to find ways to get to any rides



They were a good size with grab rails



Some great, some terrible. Any time we asked a question at a ride we were always referred to guest services - we could have spent our whole day just at guest services! One staff refused to open the disabled entrance for us onto a ride. Staff could do with training around people with learning disabilities and/or autism as well as correct ways how to handle challenging behaviours and not just pushing people back (scene we witnessed with a young person who was there with their dad)

Anything else you wish to tell us?

Acessibility guide needs to have more clearer pictures and descriptions about what the ride involves. Plus a map showing where the disabled entrances are. For several they are no where near the main entrance and we spent a lot of time trying to find entrances and then trying to show the person what ride they are going on when they cannot see the ride is quite difficult. Map in general needs improvemet. There was no information in acesible guide for people with epilepsy/strobe lighting etc. Due to the rides not being able to stop there was an awful lot of rides that members of our group could not go on. Therefore I do find it extrememly unfair that they are having to pay the same full price ticket as someone who can go on all the other rides. Isn't this why younger children have a reduced fare? Wristbands - the fact that only some of the group could have one even though they were all disabled was ridicculous. Only three people had the say over 10 people on what rides they could all go on. Paricularly unfair I felt

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