Café Dansant Café Dansant

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Café Dansant

Rutland Road, Skegness, PE25 2AX, United Kingdom | 01754 840030

Cosy café within Tower Park Gardens


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This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Assistance Dog, Wheelchair


After having a nice wander through the wheelchair accessible park, which has good smooth paths, the café was a great place to get a drink and enjoy the view at the same time.

Transport & Parking


Tower Park is located in the centre of Skegness, close to the Clock Tower. We had parked nearby in one of the large main car parks.



When you walk through the park and gardens the café is located at one end. There is a ramped entrance and a push button automatic door. The inside of the café was easy to manoeuvre around in.



Good size toilet with all the appropriate grab rails. Very clean. Room for a carer.



Friendly member of staff who served us.

Anything else you wish to tell us?

This is a nice place to spend some quieter time away from the hustle and bustle of the amusements and shops in the centre of Skegness. Most of the paths are smooth and there's a little lake with ducks in the middle of the gardens.


Front of building and entrance doors To the right of the wall there is a ramp which leads to the front door. Park pathway and benches. Wheelchair accessible pathways in park. View of Park bandstand from the café. View of Park Gardens from café. Disabled toilet within the café building.

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