Cafe 18 Cafe 18

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Cafe 18

High Newham Court, Billingham, TS23 4EA, United Kingdom | 01642 500968

Great Lunch Out


Visit date:

This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Walking Aid


Lovely staff, accessible, tasty food and a great lunch out. Will come again

Transport & Parking


There were disabled spaces across from the reception so not only was parking available but it was easy to find the way in.



Doors were all easy to open, the cafe itself seemed open plan so it was easy to manoeuvre around tables and the counter. There was also different types of seating so you could choose between a plastic style chair and a sofa style depending on your needs and pain levels.



The toilet was very well signposted, had grab rails, extenders for the soap and was clean. There was enough space to manoeuvre safely and would fit a carer in too.



The staff were lovely. They were very friendly, had no comments about my needing to take medication in the establishment, happily brought things like drinks for me so I didn't have to struggle or fetch a carer and made me feel extremely welcome.

Anything else you wish to tell us?

I personally couldn't find the menu online (but then again I think that may be on me as a different cafe kept coming up in my searches too) so I have included a picture of their standard menu but they do have daily specials too. I will definitely be coming back if there's a special I want to try or I fancy another cafe lunch treat.


Tables Seating area Menu sign and counter Accessible toilet Counter and floor space Accessible toilet

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