Buiksloterweg Ferry Buiksloterweg Ferry

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Buiksloterweg Ferry

Centraal Station - Buiksloterweg, Amsterdam, 1031 CC, Netherlands


Sightseer - Chapter 5

A quick ferry crossing


Visit date:

This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Long Cane, Wheelchair


Watching all the blue and white ferries plying their way across the River Ij it was too good to miss. Not being sure where they were going, how they worked, or indeed the accessibility for me as a wheelchair user we decided to just go and explore!

Transport & Parking


It's a ferry service so I guess I'd better write something about parking and transport. It's simple in that the ferries operate from behind the Central Station. You simply walk on and walk off at the other side of the river. They are free to use. Top tip here is - follow the crowd!



We didn't know if the disabled access was going to be any good but decided, using simple logic, that if bicycles could board by the dozen then it is probably good for wheelchair users. On our first journey across, away from the station, going to Buiksloterweg we followed all the bicycles. Finding a quieter corner up the front we manoeuvred into the side and enjoyed the ride. When the ferry came into the dock the enormous ramp was lowered and it was as if someone had blown the starting whistle for an Olympic race. Loads of cyclist mounted up and wheeled off and were followed by streams of pedestrians emerging from the other side of the board. We held back a bit and then wheeled off at a leisurely pace. The bit where the ramp met the slope of the dock was a bit of a 'bounce' but we managed just fine. On our way back we learnt that we needed to follow the pedestrians and discovered there was an enclosed area on the other side of the boat and a dedicated wheelchair space too.





Anything else you wish to tell us?

It was fun and just one of those things you have to try. We enjoyed a quiet time strolling along the riverside and looking up at the A'Dam lookout tower.


Over in Buiksloterweg on the river side, Paul sits and looks across the water toward the city Paul sitting in the dedicated wheelchair space on the Buiksloterweg ferry

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