Basilica di San Pietro Basilica di San Pietro

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Basilica di San Pietro

Piazza San Pietro, Città del Vaticano, 00120 Città del Vaticano, Vatican City | +39 06 6988 3731 | Website

Easy access, tiring day


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The most important thing for us on holiday, is that my husband cannot stand in long queues for too long. St Peters as with most places in Rome allow visitors with a disability to walk to the front of the queue. We were quickly and polite waved through. Once inside the building is stunning, but for someone with mobility problems there is almost no-where to sit and rest for a few minutes. If you don't need this then the site is fine - open spaces, ramps etc.

Transport & Parking


We used the bus and no issues at all. Staff always helpful and usually waited until we had sat down to move on.



The site is very open and there are Ramos everywhere. There is also a lift to the viewing platform albeit with a huge queue. The other lifts to the upper floor are elderly and disabled only, so no queueing, just ask someone nearby to let you in. The biggest issue we have is the need to rest occasionally, and this was difficult.



Didn't use.



Again as with everywhere in Rome, always helpful and polite.

Anything else you wish to tell us?

Don't be afraid to ask! We found everyone, everywhere very helpful.


Picture of The main path to the building after security.

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